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How do you tend to react when you receive extra money unexpectedly?
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I immediately think of who else needs this more than me and end up spending it on other people.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsI question what I did to deserve this, feel guilty and try not to accept it.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsWith joy and gratitude! Thanks for the care package, universe
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsI put it away in savings and don’t touch it because I don’t know if or when I will get money like this again.
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If you had to guess, what would you say is stopping you from making more money in your business?
I say yes when I *know* I should be saying no. #peoplepleaser
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsI never feel like I have the right information, support, or strategies. #overthinker
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsI hold back from really showing up and being visible in my business. #perfectionistproblems
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsI constantly compare myself to everyone else and never feel good enough. #comparisonitis
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Money doesn’t grow on trees. It’s the result of hard work.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsIf you’ve got it, spend it.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsThe rich get richer, the poor get poorer.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsMoney is how you get people to like you and do what you want.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsMoney is just energy and so it exists in total abundance!
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When you connect with someone who has a lot of abundance, what do you assume *must* be true about them?
They’re probably stuck up and disconnected from reality.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsThey must’ve sacrificed a lot and worked really hard.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsThey must be incredibly smart/gifted/beautiful/unique compared to me and everybody else.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsThey must have had plenty of help.
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I want to charge what my work is worth without second guessing myself.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsI want to rise up like the teacher and leader I know I was born to be.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsI want to show up and share who I am and what I stand for without worrying what others think.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsI want to stop overthinking and second guessing everything and do what I *know* will help me grow.
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